Saturday, January 7, 2012

I need planting instructions for king humbert cannas?

we have the red and yellow varieties and live in northern texas.

how deep and far apart do we plant them? do they need alot of water? we know some varieties are meant to be aquarium plants and ours need alot of sunlight.

I need planting instructions for king humbert cannas?
The Red King Humbert is an especially tall canna, reaching heights up to 6 feet, making it a perfect backdrop for smaller cannas. Excellent in water gardens.

Canna can be planted anytime of year in southern zones as long as the soil temperature is between 55 and 65 degrees F. Canna thrive in full sun and produce lush green and bronze foliage with vibrant and colorful blooms. Medium canna are sturdy plants, growing 3 to 4 feet tall without requiring staking. Plant in a sunny location in moist, fertile soil. Dig after the first frost in zones 3-7, mulch before heavy frost in zones 8-10.

However, remeber that canna's spread fast, so leave room for them grow.
Reply:I have tons of cannas and one thing for sure is do not plant them too deep. Plant them just barely under the soil line. they love love love water and love love love a fertilizer with lots of phosphorus. give them as much sun as possible and they will grow like crazy- almost to the point where you can see them grow! Mine grow a couple inches a day when the weather is warm. When they start to bloom make sure to keep them well watered and do not cut off the old spent stalk- it will continue bloomin from there all summer!
Reply:They also make good container plants , if you are so inclined . You're all making me envious . Talk of "flowers all summer " %26amp; planting them in the ground . ;D Here in upstate Frozen Hell, er.....New York, they MIGHT flower for a week or two, before the first frost . Almost forget they have flowers .

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