Saturday, January 7, 2012

Do I have to dig up my cannas each season living in chicago?

Yes, any farther north than Oklahoma then you need to dig them up. According to the planting zones we are supposed to dig them up here in OK, but no one does and they always come back because our winters are fairly mild. However, Chicago is much colder than us so you will need to pull them up.

Do I have to dig up my cannas each season living in chicago?
Yes you do. Cannas are a tropical plant and Chicago is definitely not in a tropical area.
Reply:I would say yes. I live in Southern Wisconsin, and mine will not make it through the winter. If the cold doesn't kill them, they rot from all the rain in fall and early spring.
Reply:If Chicago is colder than zone 9 then you need to dig them up each fall and store them in a cool dark place until spring. Divide when they start getting overcrowded

Dental Hygienist

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