Thursday, January 12, 2012

Slogan For My Freshman Student Council Campaign!!!?

Hey! :) I am trying to make posters for my campaign for Vice President of Freshman Student Body. Last year, my slogans were really lame, with stuff that rhymes with my name like "Have a Banana, Vote for Savannah" or "If You Canna, Vote For Savannah!" and I need to come up with something good this time. Here is a list of hobbies and stuff about me that might help you help me come up with a slogan or theme!!

I play Basketball, Volleyball, and Track/Field, and was on all the school's teams. I was in the school play, I have a 4.0 grade average, I was in the Student Body for 8th grade, and my name is Savannah (if you haven't noticed ;) ) and I am running for Vice President. Any suggestions would be gladly appreciated!! Thank you and good luck!!! Best Answer will definitely be awarded!!!

Slogan For My Freshman Student Council Campaign!!!?
Here are some:

Failer is not an option.

Savannah the bannana. VOTE for me as your President.

VOTE SAVANNAH for freshman class PRESIDENT!

freshman dreams come true when you VOTE SAVANNAH.

I will arrange field trips for our freshman class if you vote SAVANNAH!

Six Flags anyone?

Make your high school DANCE a BLAST!


Make your PROM a BLAST!


not bannana! Savannah!

vote for me as president!

Make your dance a TROPICANA,


Every one love's bannana,

So vote Savannah.

I'm your top bannana!

So vote Savannah!

Savannah, I'm a sophmore in high school, and I had fun thinking these up for you. Good luck for Vice President!
Reply:What I would say: Vote for Savannah, you know you wanna! Lol :D haha but make sure to check an online rhyming dictionary. That will help you immensely.
Reply:Hannah Montana says "vote for Savannah!"

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