Saturday, January 7, 2012

Is there a fungicide or treatment for cannas with dying or dried up leaves?

the leaves dry up in spots %26amp; look really bad. the plant does not die, but i have to keep the dead looking leaves cut off so the plant will look half way decent.

Is there a fungicide or treatment for cannas with dying or dried up leaves?
Unless you have positively identified a fungal infection there is no need to treat with fungicide. Cannas are heavy drinkers, what you describe is a lack of water. Before treating any plant for pests or diseases, you must first identify the problem otherwise you can do more damage than necessary in treating a problem that doesn't exist....kind of like modern medicine.
Reply:I suggest working a systemic fungicide into the soil. It will take time, but the plants will absorb this fungicide, and the fungus will no longer be able to live off the sap of the plant. If there is a type you can spray onto it, it will probably get into the plant sooner, but I'd still use the kind that goes into the soil as well. Check with a nearby nursery to see what kind they stock.
Reply:Try some neem oil, they now make a ready to use spray. It is good for what ails the plants. You don't say where you are, but cannas die back in places that get a winter.That is right to remove the ugly leaves, but it may just be reacting to whatever winter you have.We had some growing in water last year.
Reply:If it starts with lil yellowish spots that get bigger in time I would assume its not a fungus but a problem with the soil, there are special fluids on the market with all minerals needed by the plant.

Also depending on the age of the plant, its quite ok for the larger leaves to be doing that as they would fall off first.
Reply:cannas get rust fungi on their leaves, but they do die off annually too.

Try spraying with - sulphur, mancozeb, copper oxychloride, or something systemic like the ones they sell specially for roses - which can be used on any plant
Reply:I think they just die back this time of the year. So just trim the leaves back.

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